• My Template doesn’t show up in the Query window.
A Template that contains a repeat rectangle (which makes a listing form) will not appear in the list of Templates in the Query window. To make a Query for use with your list, choose your entry form Template in the Query window, and then select this Query icon (and the listing Template) in the View window.
• Can I make a Query that uses a field that is not displayed on my form?
Yes, assuming that the field is contained in the same Relation. In the Query window, the field must be present, of course. The values specified for this field will act to constrain a search in any form where this Query is selected, whether or not the field is actually displayed.
• What is the difference between ‘Contains’ and ‘Is Found Within’?
These are two of the options found in the Query field dialogue box. If the search parameter you are typing into this box is a part of the field then the field ‘Contains’ that value.
Example: You wish to search for all records where the Notes field contains the word “nuclear”. You would type “nuclear” into the Query dialogue for this field, and select “Contains”.
Conversely, you would use ‘Is Found Within’ if the value in the field is some part of the value you type into the box.
Example: you wish to search for all records where the State field contains either IL, OK, IN, or TX. In the Query dialogue for the State field, you would type: IL OK IN TX. The Query would then look for all records where the exact combination of letters in the State field was found somewhere within the string of letters you indicated.
• A Query won’t allow me to search with an ‘either/or’ type statement.
If you find the Query icon itself to be limiting in the types of criteria you wish to search by, you can create a Query using an Abacus. An Abacus whose output is a flag type statement (yes or no) will be listed in the View window along with the Query icons.